Midnight on the Surface

Happy Friday, everybody.


The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets. The objects are made from scratch by me, and thoroughly tested.

This is a big set. My most consistently popular downloads have always been Modular Furniture Series 4- Science Lab Set 1 and Outdoor Adventures- Camping Clutter. A good way to think of this set is a mashup of both, with a lot of extra stuff. The set is everything your away team needs for an extended mission.

The file includes:

Away Team Gear:A deco bedroll, a functional bedroll, deco field rations, a very special lantern, two datapads, two scanners, a battery pack, and cases to store everything.

Base Camp: Functional furniture for your base camp. A toilet, a shower, a counter, a hot plate, a small refirgerator, a table, and a stool.

Cinematic Tools: A pose and overlay box, a SMPS, and eight Decorgal-style accessories for your Sims to carry.

Mining Gear: A laser drill, a core sample extractor, extracted core samples, and cases for carrying them.

Temporary Shelter: A door, a window, and three deco objects for building shelters.

Vehicles: Two ATVs, two shuttles, and a ramp.

And of course a collection file.

I’ve included the master objects for the base and monitor textures in a separate folder. You don’t need them if you already have Midnight at the Cryo Lab installed.


Lord Darcy for the fix of Targa’s SupaFridge (the base object for the refrigerator)

Targa for the original work that went into the Supafridge

Raynuss for the functional bedroll

Hriveresse for the BHAVs and template for the holdable lantern

SynapticSim for the S.H.I.E.L.D. harness accessory that I used a piece of for the battery pack accessories.

Decorgal for the original work on the Custom Prop Hack.

boblishman for the Any Counter Ceramic Hob

Lethe_s for partial inspiration for the unique deco roof pieces.

omicron_simtauri for the cool Mars terrain

ceasar a for the original shuttle mesh

Michael W. P. for some of the bits and bobs I used for the laser drill and core sample extractor.

ysup12 for the Utility ATV mesh and the wheel mesh used for both ATVs

techart for the Mule ATV mesh

Wayne Jones for most of the battery pack

Buildsum for the tripod

Austro for part or the scanner

The Objects- Away Team Gear

Supply Case and Tall Supply Case

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §120 (Supply case), §180 (tall supply case)

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: case

Egghead stuff: Each object has a unique function.

The open cases have special slots for storing bedrolls, field rations, and lanterns. To use the standard case, put deco bedrolls in the first two slots and field rations in the last seven. To use the tall supply case, stack two deco bedrolls for each of the first two slots. place the stacked bedrolls in the first two slots, field rations in the next four, and a lantern in the last slot.

The stackable cases each have a slot on the lid. You can stack them up as high as you need them.

The carried case acts kind of like a OMSP for posing. It has a special slot for holding one Sim. Use move_objects on to move the sim into the slot and pose the sim.

Field Rations, Lantern, and Bedroll

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §15-105

Function: Deco, Lighting, and Comfort

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base (field rations), base and metal (lantern), base (bedroll)

Egghead stuff: The field rations are deco. The lantern can be placed on any surface, and has a special function. You can activate the lantern to spawn a lit lantern in your sim’s hand. The holdable lantern works like Decorgal’s prop objects and can be recolored. The bedroll is functional, your Sims can sleep on it.

Science Equipment Case

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §240

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: case

Egghead stuff: Each object has a unique function.

The open case has special slots for science equipment. To use the case, put two battery packs in the first slot, an element scanner in the next slot, a hand scanner in the next slot, two large datapads in the next two slots, and two small datapads in the last two slots.

The stackable cases each have a slot on the lid. You can stack them up as high as you need them.

The carried case acts kind of like a TMSP for posing. It has two special slots for holding Sims. Use move_objects on to move the sims into the slots and pose the Sims.

Science Equipment

Catalog: Build mode/ Doors and windows §107-634

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base (datapads only)

Egghead stuff: They’re just deco objects. Designed to be stacked in the science equipment case.


The Objects- Base Camp

Utility Cart, Cold Storage, and Hot Plate

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §160-467

Function: Surface and Appliances

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: These three objects can be used separately, but are designed to be used together as an efficient mobile kitchen.The small refrigerator has 12 deco slots for field rations when used by itself, but these slots disappear when you place it under the counter. It has Targa’s expanded SupaFridge functionality (it allows your Sims to prepare full meals). The utility cart works like a regular counter. The hot plate is functional when you place it on the counter surface.

Camp Stool and Folding Table

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §45-85

Function: Surface and seating

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: They work like a normal table and chair

Chemical Shower and Chemical Toilet

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §350-450

Function: Bathroom

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base and tank (shower), base (toilet)

Egghead stuff: I wasn’t able to rewrite the toilet to include a change material call for the seat, for some strange reason. The open and closed seat textures are recolors included in the .package. Both items are place-anywhere (I rewrote the Init BHAV so that they don’t require a wall behind them), but otherwise have standard functionality.

The Objects- Cinematic Tools

Pose and Overlay Box and SMSP

Catalog: Hobbies/Misc §5

Function: Posebox and SMSP for posing

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: main

Egghead stuff: The posebox has a combination of custom poses for the objects in this set and some face overlays. It can add Decorgal-style (recolorable) science equipment accessories to your Sim’s hands. I wrote the overlay BHAVS for ease of use; just one click adds the accessory and adds the pose overlay, and just one click removes the accessory and the pose overlay.

The SMSP has a built-in invisible recolor and allows you to stack up to six Sims and a deco object on the same tile. I designed it to be used with the deco explorer object and the shuttle poses.

The Objects- Mining Gear

Heavy Equipment Case

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §320

Function: Deco

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: case

Egghead stuff: Each object has a unique function.

The open case has a special slot for a folded laser drill or core sample extractor.

The stackable cases each have a slot on the lid. You can stack them up as high as you need them.

The carried case acts kind of like a TMSP for posing. It has two special slots for holding Sims. Use move_objects on to move the sims into the slots and pose the Sims.

Laser Drill

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §3918

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base, beam

Egghead stuff: The folded unit is deco only. The deployed unit has a recolorable beam, and each recolor fires out of a different barrel. The deployed object acts kind of like a OMSP for posing. It has a special slot for holding a Sim. Use move_objects on to move the sim into the slot and pose the Sims.

Core Sample Extractor

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §3619

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base, beam

Egghead stuff: The folded unit is deco only. The deployed unit has a recolorable beam, and acts kind of like a OMSP for posing. It has a special slot for holding a Sim. Use move_objects on to move the sim into the slot and pose the Sims.

Core Sample and Core Sample Case

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §25-95

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base (core sample), case (core sample case)

Egghead stuff: The case has an alpha’d out recolor that looks more like a tote/caddy. It has three special slots that the core sample can be stacked into.

The Objects- Temporary Shelter

Wall and Door

Catalog: Build mode/ door and window §250-750

Function: Build objects

Polys: Normal

Recolorable subsets: base, glass

Egghead stuff: A wall and door for quickly building a temporary shelter. Slaved to the glass from the decontamination chamber. For straight walls only

Roof Pieces

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §200-800

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base, glass

Egghead stuff: Deco pieces that can be placed together to quickly roof your temporary shelter.

The Objects- Vehicles


Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §6149-6215

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: Each ATV has two deco and two sim slots, and acts kind of like a OMSP for posing. cases can be stacked on the front and back carry racks of each ATV. Use move_objects on to move the Sims into the slots and pose the Sims.

Long-Range Explorer

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §27134

Function: Deco

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: Both objects are coded with special effects. You can click on the flying object to change the color of the thrusters or turn them off. You can click on the ground object to open or close the main hatch, corridor, and bridge.

Long-Range Explorer, Ramp

Catalog: Hobbies/Recreation §105

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: The ramp has a slightly angled deco slot at the center, for descending. It also has six regular deco slots for placing objects at various points inside the explorer’s cargo bay.

Battery Pack Accessory

A special backpack that powers the science equipment the Sims use in the field. Comes in six male and five female sizes for YA-Elder. Binned as a backpack.

There are two versions available for download: Tooltipp’d and nuBSOK’d. Each accessory comes with a custom thumbnail in CAS.

Poses, Props and Overlays

Here’s a reference of the poses , props, and effects. The accessories below are Decorgal-style (i.e. recolorable). I wrote the BHAVs for ease of use. One click adds the accessory and the pose overlay, and one click removes both. The accessories are slaved to the deco objects above.


An away team leaves Midnight Station on a mission to extract geological samples from a nearby planet. Or something. Pretty sure it could be used for other types of projects, too.

Get it here:

Download from Sim File Share

Midnight on the Surface

Midnight on the Surface- Battery Pack Accessory- Tooltipp’d

Midnight on the Surface- Battery Pack Accessory- nuBSOK’d

Download from Mega

Midnight on the Surface

Midnight on the Surface- Battery Pack Accessory- Tooltipp’d

Midnight on the Surface- Battery Pack Accessory- nuBSOK’d

20 thoughts on “Midnight on the Surface

  1. This is so cool! Thank you so much for putting hard work into this! 😀 I love the shuttle and the camping equipment. The realism is amazing. The details involved are stunning. I am definitely using this in my space colony-themed game at some point.


  2. Cool! I'm using some of Omicron Simtauri's terrains for my alien planet too! I've replaced the concrete with dark blue lunar terrain, the beaches and cliff rocks are teal, and the dirt terrain has been replaced with that starry, black space DR so I can do scenes in a starship. It looks like you've created a terraformed-version of Mars ;). Either that, or it's a Mars-like planet.


  3. Love this set! And the ship is amazing! I have not yet restarted the scifi hood I lost, but I've downloaded like mad all your new midnight sets in preparation. Thank you so much!


  4. That sounds awesome. I really like Omicron Simtauri's stuff, and it complements this set really well. It would be awesome setting up some exploration scenes on that bluish lunar terrain. This is more of a mining/geological survey set, but maybe in the near future I'll make some spacesuits/helmets for exploring planets with low no no atmosphere.If you post any pictures, please send a link. I'd love to see how other simmers use this set in their projects.


  5. Hey again!I'm glad you like it. The shuttles are really cool; you can mess with the color of the thrusters with the flying one, and open and close the hatch and the corridors on the grounded one.The last few object sets have been for specifically-themed objects, but I have a couple of object sets in the works that are more practical, everyday furniture, for building your space station from the ground up.


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