Midnight at the Crew Quarters

Hi, everybody.


The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets. The objects are made from scratch by me, and thoroughly tested.

Today, I present a huge update. There are over sixty objects in total. This isn’t really a themed set; it’s just a massive furniture set for all your Sim’s crew quarters needs.

The file includes:

Bathroom: Three conventional (community) showers, three sonic showers with special effects, a bathtub, two deco wallpanels, two bathroom shelves, three bathroom alcove shelves, a sink, a toilet, and two mirrors.

Beds: Three place-anywhere mattresses, two bases, and three bunk bed components.

Build Set: Two doors, an arch, and a window, all with diagonal objects.

Furniture: A desk chair, a desk, a computer, a nightstand, three lockers, three dressers, two bookcases, a place-anywhere TV, an alarm clock, a table lamp, a sound system, a living chair, and a loveseat.

Wall panels: Six deco panels, five wall lights, a wall clock, and two TVs.

Bedding recolors: I have included division-appropriate recolors of the bedding.

And of course a collection file.

I’ve included the master objects for the base and monitor textures in a separate folder. You don’t need them if you already have Midnight at the Cryo Lab installed.


SynapticSim for the original deco uniform objects and for providing permission to share them.

Buggybooz for the original alcove shelves.

Leefish for the sliding door and emptied bookcase

Warning: Heavy Picspam ahead


Conventional showers

Catalog: Plumbing/Misc. §567

Function: Community shower

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: They work just like the UNI community shower.

Sonic Shower

Catalog: Plumbing/Misc. §1000

Function: Works as a shower

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base, monitor

Egghead stuff: The temp control panel (next to the keypad) is coded with a special effect that comes on when the shower is activated. I moved the routing slot back a little bit so that the sims don’t clip into the wall. The annoying abduction effect noise has been replaced with regular shower noise and the annoying alien loop effect has been replaced by regular steam.


Catalog: Plumbing/Misc §1507

Function: Bathtub

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: No major functional changes.

Wall Panels

Catalog: Plumbing/Misc §87

Function: Works like wall art

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: These are deco objects intended to be used with the bathtub

Bathroom Shelves

Catalog: Plumbing/Misc §137

Function: Shelves

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: They work like regular shelves, but I added more slots so that they’re able to hold three deco objects on each shelf.

Sink and Toilet

Catalog: Plumbing/Misc §480-615

Function: Plumbing

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: No major functional changes. They work just like Maxis objects.


Catalog: Plumbing/Misc §153

Function: Mirrors

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: No major functional changes. They work just like regular mirrors

Bathroom Alcove Shelves
Catalog: Plumbing/Misc §89

Function: Shelves

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: They work like regular shelves. You can fill them with your favorite bathroom clutter.


Catalog: Seating/Misc §250-500

Function: Beds

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: Bedding

Egghead stuff: These mattresses are place-anywhere and can be stacked on deco objects.

Catalog: Seating/Misc §500-1000

Function: Deco

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: The are deco bed bases.

Catalog: Seating/Misc §75-505

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: The are deco bunk bed components. The bunk bed upper and ladder are place-anywhere and can be stacked on the same tile as other objects.

Build Set

Crew Quarters Door and Arch

Catalog: Build Mode §154-457

Function: Door and arch

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: The door is based on Leefish’s sliding door. The arch works like a regular maxis arch. Both can be put on diagonal walls.

Shower Stall Door and Window 

Catalog: Build Mode §117-187

Function: Door and window

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: Glass door and window for building shower enclosures. Both can be put on diagonal walls.


Small Desktop Terminal and Desk Chair
Catalog: Electronics/Misc §85-562

Function: Electronics and seating

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base and monitor (terminal), base and cushion (chair)

Egghead stuff: They function like a Maxis computer and desk chair. The terminal motitor texture is slaved to the master wallpanel from this seat. The chair is the master object for the living chair and loveseat.

Simple Workstation
Catalog: Electronics/Misc §165-197

Function: Surfaces

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: They function like a Maxis table and end table. The nightstand has an extra deco slot inside.

Uniform Lockers
Catalog: Electronics/Misc §352

Function: Lockers

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base, uniform

Egghead stuff: They function like Maxis gym lockers.

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §456

Function: Dressers

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base, uniform

Egghead stuff: They function like Maxis gym dressers.

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §157

Function: Bookcase

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: They function like Maxis bookcases. The empty shelves have three slots each for deco books and objects.

Small Electronics
Catalog: Electronics/Misc §107-249

Function: Various

Polys: Ultra-ultra high (alarm clock), low (Everything else)

Recolorable subsets: Base

Egghead stuff: The TV can be placed on any surface or the floor, and works like a Maxis TV. The alarm clock is animated and works like the Maxis alarm clock. The table lamp is a functional lamp. The sound system works like a Maxis boombox.

Living Chair and Loveseat
Catalog: Electronics/Misc §317-679

Function: Seating

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: Base, cushion

Egghead stuff: They function just like regular Maxis objects.

Wall Panels

Wall Panels

Catalog: Electronics/Misc §125-1634

Function: Various

Polys: Ultra-Ultra High (wall clock), Low (everything else)

Recolorable subsets: Base, monitors

Egghead stuff: The panels are deco objects, wall lights, and TVs. The wall clock is animated and works just like the Maxis clock. Everything else works just like the Maxis objects, nothing special.


I made five division-specific bedding recolors.

There are five color options for the cushions.


Everything you need to set up your Sim’s personal quarters on Midnight Station.

Warning: I pixelated all the cash n’ prizes, but still possibly NSFW-ish.

Download from Sim File Share

Midnight at the Crew Quarters

Download from Mega

Midnight at the Crew Quarters

10 thoughts on “Midnight at the Crew Quarters

  1. Greetings from Argentina, J.Thanks, the collection is great.Espero que el traductor de G. haya hecho bien su trabajo. Jajá.Coni.


  2. Wow! What a great set! So many goodies in here (shelves with slots, yay!)… this set will definitely get used and abused in my sci-fi game. Thank you!That blond guy in the third to last screenshot… is that a jar of bread sticks he has in his bathroom (on the top shelf to the far left)? Or are they some seriously big Q-tips? (Not that I judge his bathroom snack habits if they are bread sticks, just curious. ;))


  3. Hi, Nix!Glad you like them. This is the first of probably three planned \”regular\” (non-themed, functional furnishing) sets for Midnight. Eventually there will be a kitchen/dining room/replimat set and a community/rec/shopping set. I tried to fill this set with bawbees and gewgaw to build seamless personal quarters.I don't have a whole lot of clutter-y things in my downloads folder. Right now, I'm just running with a few ATS bathroom deco things and Cassandre's cosmetics deco. The \”breadsticks\” are part of her Petra set and I think they were intended to be sponges or Q-tips or something.BPS isn't around anymore :(, but most of Casandre's stuff is archived here: http://simfileshare.net/folder/7925/


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