Midnight at the Quartermaster- Part 1

Happy Friday, folks.


This is my latest submission to the Midnight overproject. Remember that cool science gear that the techs were wearing in the cryo lab? Now it can be yours in one easy download!

This set included two clothing sets in six male and nine female sizes, plus two custom hairs and a half a metric shit-ton of accessories.


The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. I won’t make any promises I can’t keep, but I’m feeling inspired, and the first project is a good solid framework for the next few (probably much smaller) installments. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. I wanted to build a whole set of objects, walls and floors, and build mode elements that blend seamlessly with each other. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets, and this clothing and accessory set is intended to be a reflection of/ complement that.

Overall, if my creative drive doesn’t suddenly fizzle out, there will eventually be five clothing sets for the different teams on the space station (Midnight Station is a giant, sinister space station with a bunch of facilities and dependencies). This set is clothing and accessories for the Science division. A future installment will include some cool hand tools for the science techs.

The science set included uniforms, belts, rank pips, clean room caps, and six types of protective headwear.

The safety set includes safety suits, safety gear and hoods, and safety caps.

The original meshes for the Syn’s high boots are included. Additionally, I made custom meshes for the high boots using the FM, FitChick, Sussi, Rio, Momma Lisa, and Slim Male body sizes. The safety suit mesh is basically a new modification of all the same meshes, but I removed the high boots and added some alpha-editable rubber gloves and boots.

Everything is organized neatly into subfolders, so you can quickly and easily remove anything you don´t like.

Credits and permissions

TOU has always been a thing for me. Respect mine and I’ll respect yours.

I tried to comply with the TOU of the original creators. To my knowledge, all of the original creators either allow redistribution or have been inactive now for a long time.

For the clothing:

First and foremost, SynapticSim for the high boot mesh that I used as a base for the modified clothing meshes, the LBB bodyshape, the harness bit I used for the safety gear, the Overwatch-stly goggles mesh, as well as for the AF, LBB, SBBv2, BBv2, HBB, AG and BBG meshes included in the Science uniform folder (Syn’s policy graciously allows redistribution), and probably another half-dozen things I’m forgetting. This project would simply not been possible without his original work. Syn, you are a god among Simmers.

Julie J for the July77 Slim Male edit and the Sussi edit. These were the base meshes I used for my new clothing meshes. You rock, Julie.

Marvine for the original groundwork that went into the Slim Bodybuilder (SBB), Bodybuilder (BB), Huge Bodybuilder (HBB), Athletic Girl (AG), and Bodybuilder Girl (BBG) body shapes.

Warlokk for the Fashion Model (FM), Rio, and CPU bodies

Poppeboy for the FitChick bodyshape

Franniesims for the original Momma Lisa bodyshape. Sigmund Sims for the blockfoot mesh that I modified to make the outfit meshes for Momma Lisa

July77 for the slim male mesh

SussiSoGoodSims for the Sussi bodyshape

For the meshes:
Morbius at 3D Warehouse has a ton of cool meshes in his/her Safety First series. This is where I grabbed the meshes for the goggles, face masks, respirators, safety hood, and safety gear, as well as the rubber glove and boot bits I added to the safety suits. Unfortunately, SketchUp models have a nasty reputation for not exporting easily, and I had a time converting them.

Science Uniform
The science uniform comes in six male and nine female sizes for YA-Elder, wearable as Casual, Gym Clothes, or Outerwear. It also includes a custom belt accessory, rank pips for normal sims and for the thicker-necked SBB, BBv2, and HBB sims, and six different styles of headwear for when things explode in the lab. Note: Because Momma Lisa is a whole lot ass-ier than the other sizes, her arms will clip through her body and belt when she’s walking. This pose was specially selected to avoid that issue.

Safety Suit
The safety suit comes in six male and nine female sizes for YA-Elder, wearable as Casual, Gym Clothes, or Outerwear. It also includes safety gear for each body size, a safety hood, and a safety cap. Note: Because Momma Lisa is a whole lot ass-ier than the other sizes, her arms will clip through her body and belt when she’s walking. This pose was specially selected to avoid that issue.

BoobyShop/ Custom thumbs/ Binning/ etc…

Because I’m something of an organization freak, I made sure everything was organized, binned, categorized, and custom thumbnail’d. There are two versions available to download: Tooltip’d and nuBSOK’d. Choose whichever you prefer.

These use my (Project 2395) binning system, not Nix’s/my binning system (Swords for Morgaine/The Armory). The safety gear is binned as a backpack, the belts are binned as belts, the headwear is binned as helmets, and the rank pips are binned as… rank pips, somehow.

Here are the downloads. Only select one version.

Download from Sim File Share:

Midnight at the Quartermaster- Part 1- Tooltipp’d

Midnight at the Quartermaster- Part 1- nuBSOK’d

Download from Sim File Share:

Midnight at the Quartermaster- Part 1- Tooltipp’d

Midnight at the Quartermaster- Part 1- nuBSOK’d

20 thoughts on “Midnight at the Quartermaster- Part 1

  1. Hello! Thanks so much, it all looks very, very good. However, I downloaded it and for some reason the \”Safety Gear\” accessory is blinking purple in my game. I read everything so I'm not sure if I'm missing a certain master mesh that I was supposed to download before hand?Btw: I am crazy in the civil service phase and have been bothering anyone I could think off to make a firefighter themed update (hard hats, safety gear, clothing, respiratory gear, basically the works. I saw MoreBius 3D warehouse, saw his/her work on firefighter and squealed. If it's not too much could you help me convert them? But you can't (that's ok!), but I feel like I need to get a crack on meshing it myself. Do you have any particular tutorials for sketchUP to sims 2?


  2. Hey, there!I'm kind of at a loss regarding the accessory. Flashing blue is a group/subset mismatch (i.e. the SHPE is telling the TXMT to read a subset of the GMDC that isn't there), but flashing purple is usually graphics related. If you have both the mesh file and the recolor for each accessory included in the folder, it shouldn't be acting that way (or at least hasn't been reported before). Is the issue fixed when you take the Sim to a mirror or use InSimenator/Sim Blender to change appearance?Have you tried to delete the Accessory, Cigen Cache, and Group cache files from your Downloads folder?Are you by chance one of the many who has the Windows 10 update 1709/ Nvidia 10 Series video card/ Sims 2 Ultimate collection issue? That's one possibility.How do the accessories appear in Body Shop?I can go back and have a look at Morbius's stuff. I'm neck-deep in other projects right now, but I might be able to put together a small set of accessories/clothes. Coni asked me to put together a basic Blender tutorial, and it's one of the many things I'm currently working on. SketchUp conversions are a lot like most other conversions in regards to scaling and placing the object. What makes SketchUp in particular a major pain in the ass is that the 3D objects normally have a ton of internal geometry, so it takes a lot of time to export, scale, position, and rebuild the object so that all the normals face outward. And bonus: there's no UV map so you have to build your own.If you need pointers/ help/ moral support, hit me up.


  3. Hello!Yeah I do have Windows 10, so I'm not too sure if that's causing the problem. But anything else I've downloaded works just fine. Even the Combat models (which is absolutely gorgeous!) is working perfect. But it's still a problem when the sim changes appearances in the mirror. Haven't tried sim blender yet, so I'm going to give that a shot. Heh…If you could give Morbius's stuff a shot, thank-you thank-you thank-you so much Jason!!! Cheers


  4. Hey. Sorry, no idea. You can check that both the mesh and recolor files are in your Downloads folder and delete your cache files, but if it’s flashing purple it’s more than likely not a mesh issue. I had something similar happen right after Windows 10 installed Update 1709. The neighborhood objects and roads turned into flashing purple chowder, as did the hair and accessories on some of my Sims (both Maxis and Custom) and some of the objects in the lots. There’s a band-aid for this. In the game’s video options, change the level of texture detail to “Medium” and commit. Then change it back to “Large” and commit. This will force the game to reload the textures, and it should be resolved.But that doesn’t fix the overlying issue. You’ll probably have to use the 4 GB patch on your .exe file and rewrite your Graphics Rules .sgr. I’m probably not the best person to explain how this is done. There’s a superb help forum on LeeFish, where they’re troubleshooting this same issue, and Kiri, Gwynne, and CatOfEvilGenius are currently working hard on a fix. I hope that helps.As far as the accessories, I think some of the firefighter helmets respirators are definitely worth doing, but as usual I’m up to my neck in other projects. I can get them done, but no guarantees as to when.Take care,J… es que�& ^,�p


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