Midnight at the Sexlab

Happy Friday, all. Warning: NSFW Content


This is the latest in my Midnight at… series. It’s a set of adult-oriented objects slaved to my Midnight at the Cryo Lab series.

The Midnight overproject represents a return to my roots: sci-fi stuff. My original vision was much like Modular Furniture Series 4. I wanted to build a whole set of objects, walls and floors, and build mode elements that blend seamlessly with each other. The difference is that whereas MFS4 was utopian and clean-ish, Midnight is more gritty, for creating sinister, dystopian sets. The objects are made from scratch by me, and thoroughly tested. The file includes:

Sexlab: A set of four observation platforms (special posing objects) with their respective attachments (specially coded deco objects that stack on the platforms), two wall panels, two control consoles, and a huge floor lamp.

Recolors: Special Sexlab recolors of the door glass.

And of course a collection file.


Crammyboy for the original mesh I used for the dildos

Observation Platforms

Catalog: Electronics/Misc. §4132-15740 (kinda expensive)

Function: Custom object

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: The platforms are special objects that contain a special slot for holding each test subject (sim) and an extra slot for holding the attachments (special effects objects). To place a sim in the slot, just use the “move_objects on” cheat. The sims and the attachments (provided that you use the correct type of attachment for the platform) will snap into place.

Catalog: Electronics/Misc. §391-671

Function: Custom object

Polys: Ultra-mega-uber-high. Don’t use if you’re running with a slower rig.

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: The attachments are a set of special objects designed to be snapped into their respective platforms. The accessories on each attachment are invisible until activated. I achieved this by using a “change material” call and writing a separate BHAV for each accessory. The main platform has two different dildos and a penis pump for each test subject. Auxilary Platform A has two options: the regular attachments include two different dildos in an array of colors and a penis pump, while the milker attachment offers three diferent sizes of pump depending on your Sim’s Breast size. Auxilarry Platform B has two different dildos in two sizes and assorted colors. Auxilary Platform C offers two different dildos in two sizes, with the same assortment of colors, plus a penis pump.

Observation Control Consoles

Catalog: Electronics/ Misc §2514

Function: Deco

Polys: Medium

Recolorable subsets: base, monitor

Egghead stuff: Nothing special. It’s a deco object.

Biofeedback Monitor (Base and Monitor)

Catalog: Electronics/misc §350-800

Function: Deco

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: base (base object), monitor (monitor bject

Egghead stuff: Each base object has a deco slot for holding its respective monitor. After you’ve stacked the monitor on the base, you can move it where you need it.

Lab Spotlight

Catalog: Lighting/ Misc §551

Function: Floor lamp

Polys: High

Recolorable subsets: base

Egghead stuff: No major functional changes. It’s a big-ass spotlight.

Catalog: Hobbies/ Misc §1

Function: Posebox

Polys: Low

Recolorable subsets: n/a

Egghead stuff: A posebox for posing test subjects and lab techs. Contains standing idles and face overlays, too.


For this set, I only made a few recolors for the build mode glass.


These are the attachments that can be applied to the test subjects.


A full catalog of poses and setup can be seen HERE or downloaded from the link below.

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend, all.

Download from Sim File Share

Midnight at the Sexlab
Download from Mega

Midnight at the Sexlab

The pose catalogs can be found here:

Sim File Share


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